Serve and Support
Looking for ways to give back?
Baptismal Font
In this year of baptism we are looking for benefactors for a baptismal font worthy of celebrating the sacrament of baptism for the faithful.
Remember that: “Every parish church must have a baptismal font, excepting the cumulative right already acquired by other churches. CIC 858 1
We appreciate your generosity!
En este ano del bautismo estamos buscando donadores para una pila baitismal que sea digna de celebrar el sacramento del bautismo para los fieles.
Recordando que: “Toda iglesia parroquial ha de tener pila bautismal, quedando a salvo el derecho cumulativo ya adquirido por otras iglesias.”
Agradecemos mucho su generosidad.
Food Donation
If anyone would like to donate can food, please bring it to the church office or place in the kitchen.
Weekly Food Sales
Members of the church are working together to organize food sales after both the English and Spanish masses on Sundays to help continue our efforts to build our new driveway at Our Lady of Grace.
If you would like to organize a food sale, or help out, please contact our church office.
Ministry Opportunities
Alter Servers Ministry
Assist the celebrant at Mass
Time commitment: weekly at mass at schedule day/time
Lector Ministry
Proclaim the Word of God from Scripture at Mass
Time commitment: One Mass per month
Hospitality Ministry
Food Sales after each mass
Music Ministry
Provide music and song for Liturgy.
Time commitment - Two times per week
Environment Ministry
Prepare the church with seasonal decoration for our Liturgies.
Time commitment - Seasonal